spacer Ezra Pound Ezra Pound was a poet by profession, but he was a generous adviser by instinct, and many a writer, among them T. S. Eliot and James Joyce, benefited from his artistic counsel, encouragement, and editing. Pound met Hemingway early in 1922 and quickly took him on as a protégé. From Pound, Hemingway learned "to distrust adjectives" and received valuable guidance in how to compress his words into precise images. Many years later, Hemingway called Pound "a sort of saint" and said he was "the man I liked and trusted the most as critic."

Ezra Pound 1885-1972
Percy Wyndham Lewis (1884-1957) / Pencil on paper, circa 1920
Image courtesy Art Collection, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin


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