Saturday, September 29, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.

Featuring the Zarabanda Baroque Consort

The National Portrait Gallery presents a concert by the Zarabanda Baroque Consort, a trio of baroque classical musicians from Spain founded by flutist and baroque recorder player Alvaro Marías. The concert is presented in conjunction with the exhibition "Legacy: Spain and the United States in the Age of Independence, 1763–1848," and sponsored by the Office of Cultural Affairs, Embassy of Spain, Washington, D.C.

The performance is free, but seating is limited. Please call the Smithsonian Associates ticket line at (202) 633-3030, and use code ZC2007 to reserve tickets.

Image: Titulo y Blason del Conde de Gálvez (Title and Coat of Arms of the Count of Gálvez), 1783, Historic New Orleans Collection, Louisiana

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